Want To Know The Benefits?

One of the benefits to blogging every day is going through the process of what to write and how to write it. Only people who “journal” or “write a diary” daily can fully appreciate this phenomenon.

And, if I do say so myself, the process of posting it on a public Internet blog for the world to see, adds an untapped benefit that “private writers” have yet to discover.

The daily act requires more effort than occasional blogging, in my opinion. Over time, your creativity and your topics could dry up. Plus, you really have to think long and hard about what you value. And if you ever expect people to “follow your path”, you have to know and study your audience.

“The unexamined life is not worth living”. — Socrates

Just Call

That’s all that has do be done. Just pick up the phone and call. So why haven’t I?

Probably the same reason they haven’t done it.

So who’s right? Is there even a right or wrong? Seems irrelevant. So who’s going to make the first move?

Ever feel like this scenario? Any advice to people (me) who have a challenging habit of not staying in touch?

Please Pray For This Family

Please pray for this Family. There’s a very special Family in mind, and you most likely don’t know them, but also most likely, you know someone just like them.

A year ago today, in what was simply another ordinary day for this Family, the phone rang that night.

“Your daughter has been in an accident”.

Their precious daughter was severely injured and she was not expected to make it through the injuries.

Somehow she did.

But in a fate most of us can’t even remotely comprehend, nine days later, she unexpectedly passed.

To go to the edge of the cliff, then pulled back from it, and then to suddenly plunge unexpectedly over, breaks my heart to think about.

In a CaringBridge update yesterday, I was reminded of this “anniversary”, and will honor their request to never miss an opportunity to tell my son or my wife, “I love you”.

A Good Cry?

ABC, Extreme Makeover – Home Edition. This show can humble me beyond belief.

Last night was no exception. Why?

Have you not seen the show?

It makes me cry every time I watch it with my family, which is almost every Sunday night.

I cry, not so much for the featured Family’s situation, as I do for the way the people who help are impacted.

The builder from last night’s show – looked to be 50 to 60 years old – said, “I’ll never do anything the same”.

Let’s assume he was already a good man. What is the significance of a good man saying, “I’ll never do anything the same”?

To see a fellow human being be so moved by a simple act of compassion, almost always makes me cry.

A good cry, to be sure. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Orlando Magic and Disney Magic

Orlando Magic and Disney Magic.

Game three is being played as we speak.

There was a young girl, maybe seven years old, who sang the National Anthem.

My wife told me she is autistic.

While I don’t know the specific story, the summary is there was a time when she couldn’t talk. They discovered her passion to sing.

That changed the course of her life, and the life of her family too.

Who’s to say what’s impossible or possible?

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Maybe I’ll read the headlines tomorrow morning and the Orlando Magic will have won tonight’s game. Who’s to say……