Please Pray For This Family

Please pray for this Family. There’s a very special Family in mind, and you most likely don’t know them, but also most likely, you know someone just like them.

A year ago today, in what was simply another ordinary day for this Family, the phone rang that night.

“Your daughter has been in an accident”.

Their precious daughter was severely injured and she was not expected to make it through the injuries.

Somehow she did.

But in a fate most of us can’t even remotely comprehend, nine days later, she unexpectedly passed.

To go to the edge of the cliff, then pulled back from it, and then to suddenly plunge unexpectedly over, breaks my heart to think about.

In a CaringBridge update yesterday, I was reminded of this “anniversary”, and will honor their request to never miss an opportunity to tell my son or my wife, “I love you”.


Catechism. Missed the first one last night.

Life is insanely busy for many people. Organizational structure can help alleviate (not eliminate) common, everyday hassles.

To that end, every day my wife takes our son to school (no bus service available). I pick him up. When there are exceptions to this process, the alternate plan is simple and crystal clear.

Everything changes. Like when I travel. Like yesterday. So I missed the first day of Catechism.

Not a big deal. Usually. Except for one thing. I volunteer as a “junior assistant” third-grade Catechist teacher.

The full time teacher is a pro and can clearly handle my absence. But it’s not her I’m worried about.

Holy Family Odyssey of the Mind Team

Holy Family Catholic School Odyssey of the Mind team.

For the second consecutive year, Holy Family Catholic Church sent a team of young students to participate in Odyssey of the Mind World Championships.

This is an amazing accomplishment. The World Championships!

Click here to read the article from The Florida Catholic.

As my Family and I prepare this morning to attend Mass, we are reminded of the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are also reminded that great results require a whole team of people to make dreams come true.

Perhaps, if every person from every religion banded together to make Love stronger than hate, we could actually see a day where world peace is no longer a wish.

Now there’s an odyssey of the mind for ya. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Blessed Beast?

Yesterday morning, as I was returning from a run, a neighborhood middle school boy was waiting for his school bus.

As I was slowly running by, on the cool down portion, I said to him spontaneously, “Just do it! I could talk about exercising. I could think about exercising. I could hope to exercise. Or, I can just do it!”

He replied rather spontaneously, “You’re a beast“!

He meant it as a compliment. My body fat is around eight percent. I was shirtless and had that sweaty sheen from five good miles, plus the early Florida morning humidity.

I thought for a moment, and yelled back, “A blessed Beast“!

His Father is a Pastor, and I’m a life-long Disney advocate, and I was making a play on religion and the Disney classic, Beauty and the Beast.

Oh well, guess you had to be there.

If you don’t exercise, but want to, try something creative. Do something easy. A goal so small, you can’t fail. Do it five days in a row.

The following week, do just a hair more, for five more days.

Repeat this process week after week and guess where you’ll be a year from now?

Like it or not, you are responsible for your health. Ignoring this doesn’t make it go away.

No male on my Dad’s side made it past 60 years. I’ll be 50 in a couple weeks. Ever thought how you’d live your life if you only had ten years left?

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂