Thankful for the little things

Thankful for the little things.

Like driving safely for four hours and making it home without incident.

We passed several vehicle accidents along I-75 and I-4, on our way home yesterday.

Two of the vehicles were overturned. We pray no one was seriously injured.

Several cars had flat tires. A minor inconvenience, but a potentially dangerous place to be – major interstate roadside with cars traveling 70 – 80 mph.

It’s so easy to take a routine trip for granted. It only takes a second for everything to change. Just ask the people we saw along the roadside.

Simply being mindful of this helps keep me “presently humbled”.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Completely Humbled

Humbled beyond belief.

When I take stock of the many blessings all around, I am completely and utterly humbled.

At the pool last night, our eight-year old son and I were talking about what if we lost everything – all our money and our house.

I told my son, “We would still have God and Jesus”.

I continued, “Even when a person has nothing, they still have God and Jesus”.

We fairly quickly moved on to talking about the Pirate Legos he brought with him, but I love these small opportunities to reinforce what I believe – in his impressionable mind and heart.

A parent, or adult if you’re not going to be a parent, has two choices with their child.

  1. To teach important things, by design – meaning on purpose
  2. To hope that important things will reach the child by default – meaning not on purpose

It is never my intent to make anyone feel bad or guilty, (including myself) I simply feel a duty to think things through. If this stimulates helpful thinking in others, perfect.

Are you thinking now? I hope so. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Sanibel Saturday

Sanibel Saturday.

What a great way to spend a Saturday, on Sanibel Island.

Started the day, per usual – on my knees.

If you are interested, I have opened a Twitter account, under jeffreynoel

Also on Facebook

Just trying to make the world a little better before my time is up. Social networking appears like the best approach at the moment.

Another approach I love – Carpe Diem – make it a GREAT Saturday. jeff noel 🙂


Just when you think you know it all, you can quickly be reminded what a pathetic thought that is.

I was writing for an hour this morning before it hit me.

One-hundred days. Remember yesterday’s post? Blah, blah, blah, right?

Well, how quickly I can falter.

So a few minutes ago, upon realizing, even after 100 days, I didn’t do what I was so full of yesterday, I went to the foot of our bed and got down on my knees.

Don’t know where I’d be without forgiveness. Seriously.

It’s better than anything in our medicine cabinet.

Have a GREAT day. It’s up to you. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

PS. Take two aspirin and call me in the morning……. or, just get down on your knees and forgive yourself.

The first 100 Days

The first 100 days.

They’ve been rewarding.

Although I was a little self-conscious at first. What if my wife or son wake up and see me at the foot of our bed, on my knees?

Neither has ever seen this behavior before and it might be awkward – to explain why.

Like right now, sort of.

On April Fool’s day, I took our Pastor’s challenge.

It’s been 100 days since then. One-hundred days, all starting the same exact way.

On my knees.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂